A review by precioussantiago
Sleeping Celeste by Alana K. Drex


If you enjoy a slow burn horror oozing with dread and suspense, Sleeping Celeste is the book for you.  I was blown away by the story, which eerily enough is inspired by creepy true events (outlined in the author's note).  The story follows a grieving mother trying to come to terms with a tragedy involving her beloved daughter Celeste.  Trying to come to terms with her grief, she journeys into a dark place to try and undo what has happened and through the process readers find out that the mother in this story harbors dark secrets.
The story is set during the late 1800's and the prose does reflect that time period.  Usually I am hesitant to pick up a book set during this time period.  But the author's prose is both lyrical and approachable, if you have any uncertainty about historical fiction, do not let that deter you from reading this book, I promise it is well written and very easy to read, you will fall into this story pretty quickly.
This was a gripping short story that had so many interesting twists and turns.  I was very impressed with the authors ability to do that in 100 pages.  This story gave me Pet Semetary  and a little of Flowers in the attic vibes.  The tone, the setting, and the journey this story takes blew me away.  With that I give this my highest recommendation to readers looking for a fun quick read that still manages to produce a well plotted story.