A review by zeloco
Anno Dracula: Johnny Alucard by Kim Newman


I'm a little upset - it started strange, then it got really fun, but then it somehow managed to fizzle out, even with the 'main action' being quite clever. Perhaps it was since I jumped into this without knowing anything (or even knowing it was part of a series), but I don't think the lengthy, list-like way of prose makes it easy to read (sometimes it's fine, but sometimes it felt like reading a Wikipedia list on 'insert topic here' (not even the actual articles, just the lists)).
The concept is interesting and the world building is clever and gives a lot of lee-way for the author to pop things out at you, that you wouldn't think possible, but still work in the world he's set up. So you sort of feel like bewildered explorer. It was brushing 5 stars for me up until about midway, then it kind of stopped being fun for me personally.