A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Alice the Dagger by Ashley McLeo


I had another Wonderland retelling lingering around on my shelves! Yesterday I saw that the second book in this series was on BookSprout and then I saw that the first book was on there too! I requested both eagerly because WONDERLAND and then all of a sudden I realized I actually already had the first book. Somewhere. And for some reason the urge to read the book right away refused to disappear, so I decided to give in and to start reading.

Mixing Wonderland with the world of the Fae is done more often. Which isn't weird. It's a mix that works well. Both worlds are magical, a little strange and filled with endless possibilities. I have to admit that I personally would have loved to experience the magic of this Wonderland a little more prominently. Of course, Alice has magic and we visit some magical places, but I didn't get the true Wonderland, meaning weird, vibe yet.

However, I really enjoyed how McLeo incorporated all the familiar characters into this story and managed to create an actually quite coherent tale where a lot of scenes of the original tale still happen. Just a little differently. There is a game with the Queen, who is nog very good at losing. There is a rabbit in a jacket screaming that he's late. And there's a charming hatter with a love for tea. We also meet the Dormouse, the March Hare and so on!

Characters who are great with weapons are always a hit and mis with me. That's mostly because a lot of authors forget that when we're talking about strong characters, we're not just talking about their physical strength. McLeo clearly got that though! Alice is strong and fierce, but she also has flaws and weaknesses, she has dreams and wishes and she quite clearly also has fears. I have the feeling that her journey is only just beginning. I can't wait to read on!