A review by lcmarie19
Teaching Roman by Geneva Lee


**This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Seriously one of the CUTEST stories I've ever read. Nice fluffy HEA.

This is my first NA read by Gennifer Albin and I can definitely say that I would like to read more. It's books like this that make me appreciate New Adult fiction and its potential. This is not a heavy read, but there are a lot of relatable moments for me, personally, and I'm sure that others will find some aspects to relate to as well. Everyone has been a Jessica or a Roman once in their lifetime. These characters are VERY imitatable.

Jessica Stone is a very driven, focused, slightly OCD girl with a plan. Her life is in order and nothing can deter her from reaching her goals. Nothing except someone by the name of Roman Markson. Roman is also very driven and focused, but a bit more relaxed about it. His interactions with other really let you into his head, where you get to see what kind of man he really is.

Even though this is the second book in the "Good Girls Don't" series, you can definitely read this as a standalone, as I did. You don't need the first book to give you any backstory.

This was a fast paced, character driven book and I loved it. I've said time and time again that characters make or break a book for me, especially in a story that is SUPPOSED to be character driven. Albin did a fantastic job making me care about what happened to Jessica and Roman. She made me care about what happened to the secondary characters too. I got a lot of feels.

There were small moments throughout the book where things happened a bit too fast for my taste, but to be honest, in the context of the plot -- the pace made complete sense. So I can't complain. Albin did the right thing.

There were moments of frustration that I had with Jessica, but nothing unbearable. I was a lot like Jessica (and in a way, I still am), which is probably why it was so easy for me to be annoyed with her.

The plot held some very interesting turns that, while I knew everything would be resolved in some fashion, it still had me interested to see the outcome. I just HAD to know what would happened to our characters. I cared so much!

This was an awesome read. Very fast paced. Very engaging. I will definitely be reading more from this author.