A review by mslizalou
The Billionaire Heartbreaker by Mandy Baxter


I've enjoyed Mandy Baxter's books in the past but have to say the Christensen brother’s books have been my most favorite ones ever.

Reily Martin is a super strong character. I love that she is up for the challenge of dealing with the persona Travis Christensen portrays to the media. Of course the job with the Stars will help rebuild her career, since she is starting over with her very own PR company. I loved that she was tough enough to take on Travis even when he was being a total tool to her. I mean honestly Travis was a total ass to Reily in the beginning and she didn't take any of his crap without giving it right back to him.

Travis Christensen is pretty much a man-whore who also happens to be the best goalie in the NHL He also is full of attitude when he meets with Reily for the first time and is basically told to shape up or he will be benched or possibly kicked off the team. I did love that Travis flirted shamelessly with Reily and she didn't believe he could possibly see her that way. There was so much more to Travis than the man-whore persona he showed to the world. I loved that he saved himself for his family and that he allowed Reily to see the real him.

The chemistry was pretty hot between Reily and Travis from the moment they met. Yes he was an ass, but it didn't diminish the fact they were both attracted to one another. I loved once they finally gave into their attraction. Seriously smoking-hot love scenes between them. I would have loved them to not have any issues and have an easy happily every after, but the realism of them having an issue made me love their story even more.

The Billionaire Heartbreaker was another winner in The Billionaire's Club: Texas Heartthrobs series. Honestly I've loved the first 3 books in this series and really hope we get more stories.