A review by dreamerfreak
Earth Unaware by Orson Scott Card


Let me start off saying, that this is the first Orson Scott Card book that I've read (though certainly not the last), so while I had a vague notion that it was some sort of prequel thing to the Ender books, I didn't really know what it was about. Fortunately, I didn't need to know a thing. It was amazing anyway.

Earth Unaware follows a large and scattered group of characters through the initial discovery of the "hormigos", or Formics, when they first invade our galaxy. It's not the easiest book to read,
Spoilerdeath abounds,
but it is fascinating none the less. The incoming alien ship tests the motives and courage of everyone they encounter as they decide what's most important to them... and how best to stay alive.

Fascinating characters and world-building details fill this book. From little Mono, sky-watcher Edimar and lead mechanic Segundo to gamma propulsion and free mining families, I didn't want to put this book down once I picked it up. And actually... I didn't. I finished it the same day I started.

I'm anxiously awaiting the second book of The First Formic War, and in the meantime, I'll probably be picking up Ender's Game. Don't pass this one up.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]