A review by sloreader
The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth by Edward O. Wilson


There's really only one thing wrong with EO Wilson's The Creation, but unfortunately, it's hard to avoid. The framing device, and voice throughout, is that of a personal letter to a hypothetical Southern Baptist pastor, attempting to find common ground between science and religion in the service of conserving the diversity of life on Earth. The device isn't a bad idea; saving Creation, be it nature's or God's, would seem to be of common interest to scientists and pastors. But in the body of this letter, Wilson seems to be preaching to his choir and not the pastor's. Not that he says anything wrong either. Wilson is one of the most passionate advocates of the natural world and of science, and when this passion is on full display, as it is here, he is as inspirational and moving as he is dead-right. Now EO is a southern boy, raised Southern Baptist himself, so I can only assume that he knows his target better than I. But from my perspective, his arguments and challenges don't seem to offer much to a scripture literalist as he says he is addressing, but instead fit right alongside traditional rationales for saving the Earth. Perhaps his emotion alone can carry the message to the unconverted, but it's on that point that I remain unconvinced.