A review by xcampuskiddo
72 Hours by Clare London


Clare London has previously shared that she started off in the world of M/M romance by reading and writing Gundam Wing fanfic, but eventually branched off into writing original work when she got tired of writing the same characters over and over. Well, either she wasn't as tired of it as she stated, or else the Gundam guys are tattooed on her creative brain, because 72 Hours reads like a dozen other GW AU yaoi pieces I've read on fan sites, just with new character names. Fans of 1x2 and (background) 3x4 slash will probably find London's novel of shadow agency intrigue, a plot to kill the members of Sally Po's - I mean, Judith's - Project Team that unspools to its somewhat melodramatic conclusion while the two main characters work through an unexpected reunion fraught with anger and hurt from the blow-up of their relationship 3 months earlier, an enjoyable read, if a bit formulaic/rote. My favorite part was coming across all of these minor Easter eggs, references to the Gundam boys' physical and character traits. Otherwise, this was a decent piece of M/M fluff that didn't particularly do it for me one way or the other, which tends to be most of my experience with amateurish GW slash, anyway.