A review by cala_p
Luca Vitiello by Cora Reilly


Thank you to the author and The Next Step PR for an ARC of this novel.

Oh. My. Goodness.

This book will make headlines.

It’s a retelling of book 1 but in Luca’s POV. This series was already great, but it just became that much better by having this in its repertoire. How have I lived before this book? If Luca wasn’t already everything to you after reading the first book, then he will be now. It gives a fantastic, new insight into Luca and all that occured on his side. In Book 1, we’re privy to Aria: her thoughts, her fear, her growing trust, and eventually love for Luca. Now, we see it all through Luca’s eyes: his dislike, distrust, boredom, possessiveness, protectiveness, trust, and eventually love. He fights for her almost every second of the way, even if she didn’t realize it.

I don’t have one negative thing to say about this read. I loved it from start to end. Unfortunately, the story’s events weren’t shocking or new, as it's a retelling, so I can’t praise it necessarily for its surprising events. Again, I did like seeing the different perspective on it. Now I want to do a reread of the others, specifically the ones about Aria’s sisters.

I believed this series to be done, but the announcement of this one made me squeal in happiness. And to learn that she will be writing another one, about Dante, just makes my day. I want this series to forever go on. Although Dante’s book was my least favorite, I wonder if I was comparing it to book 1 too much at the time and now that I have read the rest I may have a different opinion about it. Regardless, it’ll get a fair reread before the next one.