A review by novelhaus
City of the Uncommon Thief by Lynne Bertrand


This concept was such an interesting one that called to me but it didn't quite live up to my expectations.

Unfortunately, I found myself confused in several parts and had a little bit of a difficult time keeping up with what was happening. I thought the world-building was a bit complicated but overall pretty good. I could place myself in the world but, again, I think if I was in the world I would be completely lost as to what was going on and why I should care.

I didn't really connect with any of the characters that well either. I wanted to, as I always do when I read something, but it was just difficult.

Overall I think this had such a cool premise but the execution wasn't quite there. There are a lot of references to various greek myths, which I am very familiar with, so that helped a bit but someone not familiar might be even more confused.

E-arc was received by Penguin Teen in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Penguin Teen!