A review by wynnz
The City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clarke


"Alvin was an explorer, and all explorers are seeking something they have lost. It is seldom that they find it, and more seldom that the attainment brings them grater happiness than the quest".

A lot of questions being asked in this book about the human condition, psyche and curiosity to find out stuff, like what’s over that horizon, is the grass greener over that fence, lets go and explore, because our planet isn’t interesting enough for some of us.

Is there intelligent life elsewhere, out there in the void of space, perhaps we should look closer to home, and try and solve the problems on this planet before we go and f**k up another one, because it doesn’t matter which planet we go to, there we’ll be, “To err is human” boy he got that right!

Eight billion souls on this planet and counting, a few more questions, have we got enough food, have we got enough clean water, what about poverty, what about climate change, what about deforestation going on at an alarming rate, here’s an analogy for that, the world is trying autoerotic asphyxiation on itself. Wow I think I just had my first tirade on Goodreads, anyway back to the book, I didn’t think it was that thought provoking at all.