A review by jennog
Smart Couples Finish Rich, Revised and Updated: 9 Steps to Creating a Rich Future for You and Your Partner by David Bach


Solid financial advice for everyone. Not just people in a relationship. Only the first two of steps, parts of step 8, and step 9 focus on couples. The rest is just good info, except the last chapter. The last chapter was corny.

Note: It would be much more useful as a physical book instead of an ebook because of all of the worksheets.

The earlier steps contain useful concepts and exercises like the Value Circle process, which makes you think about and write down the things that matter most to you in life. Then once you do this, you'll have a purpose-focused financial plan so that your money is used for your values, not for random things.

The most helpful steps are 5 and 6. Step 5 has a lot of helpful pearls of wisdom about investing and step 6 walks you through what to do with everything when you die. I was also surprised at the brief introduction to the different types of health insurances. That was helpful and I would recommend just those pages to people who don't understand that.

Step 7 is very useful but a lot of information. I would buy this book as a reference instead of borrowing it from the library so I can reread this section.

Overall, answered my stupid questions about investing and is a helpful book for the basics of money management. It is better as a physical book than an ebook.