A review by jessalynn_librarian
Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst


This was an enjoyable story with a fun premise - Rapunzel has helped the fairy tale characters escape from the Wild and stop the endless and terrible cycle of reliving the same stories over and over. The Wild is now a small, contained patch living under her daughter Julie's bed - although it still does things like steal Julie's sneakers and turn them into seven league boots. But someone makes a wish, the Wild comes back, and now Julie has to try and rescue her mother and all the others.

Lots of clever inclusions of fairy tales, popular and obscure, and a fun adventure story. I was never emotionally hooked, but I enjoyed the whole thing. I would recommend it particularly to upper elementary/middle school fans of fairy tale retellings and girl-goes-on-an-adventure stories. There's a sequel - Out of the Wild - which I might have to pick up.