A review by meghan_readsbooks
Look Closer by David Ellis


This review is my honest opinion! Thank you to GP Putnam and Sons for Look Closer, a surprise, in a good way, big win/hit for me. This is an excellent action suspense book, filled with truly effective twists, and a fast paced and indeed roller coaster ride. Don't let the unreliable narrator theme turn you away (I know I know, but humor me)... this book does this well and won me back into appreciating how this trope can be used so well and can be effectively executed. I read this in two days on vacation (and with a toddler with me that is a feat unto itself for me!)

My review is short... this is a book that you should just go and get if you want an awesome, fun, and really satisfying thriller. There is a lot to enjoy here and to say more takes away from what you have to look forward to as a reader (trust me!).

Big appreciation for this review copy, I went in expecting a good thriller and left a big fan of David Ellis and have been recommending this book for days to many friends.