A review by absentminded_reader
Answers to Distraction by John J. Ratey, Edward M. Hallowell


Fantastic resource. I am so glad that I made it a goal to finish this book before reading others. It's not laid out with any sort of narrative. It is literally answers to a pile of cards Hallowell had collected from people asking him questions about ADHD. He organized them into themes and answered them one at a time. Theoretically, one is supposed to come to the book with a question, then search for the proper chapter. Since there were so many pearls of advice and wisdom to be discovered throughout the entire book, I chose to read it chapter by chapter, answer by answer. It was ADHD torture. I believe I spent 3 or 4 years reading this book.

However, the things I learned in the last big push made the book four stars for me. I can't say I'd recommend reading this book, but I do recommend referencing it. If you wish to understand ADHD better, this book is perfect for the task.