A review by book_mark_shelf
Baby Goats! by K.M. Neuhold


Well, for one I think its safe to say that you need to read [b:Nailed|53189356|Nailed (Four Bears Construction, #2)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587050540l/53189356._SY75_.jpg|80202894] before reading this because you will find it as funny as I did! Again, Stone is up to his antics and for the love of god.... Goats! I think Dare needs to buy more underwear if he is to make it through this.

Even though it is really short, it is again nice to see where the characters end up. They got their dream of a farm full of dogs - not to mention their wacky names - and now goats. Loved the short snip it and compliments [b:Nailed|53189356|Nailed (Four Bears Construction, #2)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587050540l/53189356._SY75_.jpg|80202894] greatly.