A review by navneetk
The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster

ok this book took me like 3 weeks to finish because i wasn't hooked at all and it felt like a chore. idk if it was cos it was confusing, or it was the politics or just the shitty descriptions but i hated this book. ok maybe hate is too strong but it wore me out to write an actual 'review' of it. actually the coruscant-based politics were ok, i just felt like whatever was going on in ansion was all over the place and super dragged out to add more unnecessary scenes. but it was ok, it's leaning more toward the below average side but whatever. it had obi-wan, anakin, luminara and barriss so i shouldn't complain. i've seen reviews that say it helped provide more depth for the characters but i disagree because there was like no depth LMAO. anyways i don't want to think about this anymore and i will continue this chronological read of my sw book collection with brotherhood which i'm super hyped about.