A review by readingqueen
Hit by Lorie Ann Grover


What can I say about Hit? Well, I’m actually kind of torn with the story. It was too short in my opinion and could have had a lot more depth and a better ending. Does Sarah fully recover? Did she get to go to college? What happens with Mr. Haddings? I need to know. Don’t leave me hanging like this.

The other characters, Sarah’s family and her friend Cydni reacted like real people would in that sort of horrific situation. But Sarah’s crush on Mr. Haddings, even while he tried to tell her that they can’t possibly be together, she still believes they can. That really annoyed me about her. And the fact that she sort of thought he might have done it on purpose.

Overall, the story was okay. It’s about 215 pages long and could be read in one sitting depending on how fast you can read.