A review by doesemilyread
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead


I really really wanted to enjoy this book, but it just didn’t do it for me unfortunately. The premise is so intriguing and so important, and the first 70ish pages I did feel invested in the story, but after that it just became quite hard to read and I didn’t want to pick it up. I didn’t feel particularly connected to the characters, which really was a shame! I found the writing style to be a bit odd, and there where secondary characters introduced that just didn’t seem to fit, and then were never mentioned again. I also didn’t really care for the ending, it all felt rushed to me! 210 pages aren’t many so I felt it could have been a bit longer too. (Maybe this is just my love for longer books coming through though?)

Overall, I appreciated this book and the story it was telling, but I just didn’t enjoy it very much. I wanted to feel more connected to the characters and that just didn’t happen.☹️I would still recommend this book though, as I’ve seen so many great reviews and I wish I could feel that way about it too!