A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Little Shop of Found Things by Paula Brackston


The Little Shop of Found Things by Paula Brackston has an intriguing premise. Xanthe Westlake can get memories from antique items that call to her. She always gets a feeling when near a special object. After finding a silver chatelaine at an estate sale, Xanthe finds herself in the past to correct an injustice. I liked the idea of a woman with psychometry ability delving into the past. Unfortunately, I had a difficult time wading through The Little Shop of Found Things. I struggled to get through the story. I kept hoping it was just a slow starter and that I would soon be completely engrossed. That did not happen. The pacing is sluggish and certain details are repeated often. The author has an old fashioned writing style and there are overly detailed descriptions. I was astonished that Xanthe would travel back wearing Doc Martens and no one notices the odd shoes (really). I could not connect with Xanthe and I did try. It took me several attempts, but I did finish the story. I was just not the right audience for The Little Shop of Found Things. I wanted to like this book because it is the type of story that appeals to me. While The Little Shop of Found Things was not right for me, it did appeal to many readers. I suggest you read a sample of the book and judge it for yourself. I failed to find the magic in The Little Shop of Found Things.