A review by kbranfield
Love Letters by Debbie Macomber


4.5 stars.

Debbie Macomber's newest release, Love Letters is another delightfully charming addition to her heartwarming Rose Harbor series. In this installment, Jo Marie Rose's curiosity about her friend and handyman Mark Taylor gets the best of her and she tries to dig a little deeper in his past. In the meantime, she is preparing to welcome her latest guests, Ellie Reynolds and Maggie & Roy Porter. Maggie and Roy have been going through a rough patch and they are hoping an anniversary getaway will heal their troubled marriage. Ellie Reynolds is nervously preparing for her first face to face meeting with Tom Lynch, the man she has been dating on-line for the past several months. All of the B&B guests have high expectations for their weekend retreat but unexpected revelations threaten their burgeoning happiness.

Although Jo Marie is happily ensconced in her new life, she is still coming to terms with her husband's death. She keeps busy with the B&B and now the rose garden is finally complete, she hires Mark to begin the next phase in her property upgrades. Jo Marie continues to push Mark for answers about his past but the gruff and grouchy handyman stubbornly refuses to reveal any information about his background. Their friendship is unaffected by Jo Marie's prying and when Mark begins to grow concerned about her unusual behavior, he makes some very shrewd observations and offers her some astute advice. This becomes a bit of a turning point in their relationship but their future remains very uncertain.

Maggie and Roy are still very much in love but they are unable to forgive one another for their past mistakes. Despite her determination to trust Roy, Maggie cannot keep her suspicions at bay. Roy's stubborn refusal to discuss their problems also makes it impossible for them to let go of their hurt and anger. As soon as they pass a major hurdle, Maggie makes a shocking realization that could destroy the progress they have made.

Ellie is excited but a bit apprehensive about finally meeting Tom face to face. Deciding to trust her instincts, she tries to put her mother's fears and warnings out of her mind and after she and Tom enjoy a wonderful first date, she is sure she has made the right choice. Reassured that she has nothing to worry about, Ellie is stunned when she learns Tom's real motive for getting to know her.

The three stories are seamlessly interwoven into a compelling story that is impossible to put down. Ellie's part of the storyline leads to a surprising reconciliation and while not everything is completely wrapped up by the novel's end, a happily ever after is definitely possible. Maggie and Roy's problems appear insurmountable and only time will tell if their marriage will survive long term. Jo Marie and Mark have finally made progress in their relationship, but Mark's tormented past still casts a very large shadow over his future plans.

Love Letters is an incredibly sweet and heartfelt romance that old and new fans of Debbie Macomber's Rose Harbor series are going to love. Although it can be read as a standalone story, I highly recommend the entire series. As always, I am very eager for my next visit with Jo Marie and her guests at the lovely Rose Harbor Inn.