A review by bookfever
Unhinged by A.G. Howard


Wow! Unhinged was so damn good! I'm really impressed by how much I ended up loving it. It's been so freaking long since I read Splintered. Almost one year and a half I think so it's been really nice to get back into this amazing world. I had to stop a few times, though, to read some books that were due for review but I finally finished it and let me just say that I can't wait until the third book is out. I need it now!

It's a little hard to form any coherent thoughts with the way Unhinged ended. Really, just everything that happened in this book was non-stop action, mystery and of course a bit of romance. Speaking of the romance. I am not a fan of love triangles but I can truly see Alyssa's hesitation between Jeb and Morpheus. Which is really weird because I'm a huge Morpheus fangirl. Moths FTW! And may I just say that in this book he was especially amazing. I mean wow. I love him. And I really want him to end up with Alyssa someday.
But throughout this book I've been growing a bit fonder of Jeb too. Imagine that.

Alyssa has definitely grown as a character in my eyes. At the start of the book she thought she was done with all things Wonderland and ready to move on with Jeb. But of course things didn't go as planned at all. And I'm glad that eventually Alyssa finally found out for herself who she is and really believed it. You go, girl!

And the story... it was brilliant. A.G. Howard is a fantastic writer. I love her writing style so much. It's beautiful, poetic and yet dark and creepy. Oh this book was so creepy. I loved it!
I also really liked the little twists involving Alyssa's mom and dad. Their past together and how it wasn't all how it seemed. It was a pretty unexpected turn of events and I loved every bit of that!

What else can I say than I loved this book? I can't wait for Ensared to come out and find out how the story will continue from here on because the ending? Oh my god! I can't believe all that happened and those are the best books out there, that leave you shocked and breathless and aching for the next book.

So five stars definitely earned for Unhinged by A.G. Howard!