A review by chroniclesofabookreader
At Close Range, Volume 11 by Laura Griffin


Laura Griffin absolutely shines with her masterful writing in AT CLOSE RANGE. I’ll be honest and say that this is my first Griffin book even though I’ve been eyeing the series for quite some time; I was reassured that each book stands on its own so I felt it safe to jump right in. I’ll tell ya right now, I am incredibly glad I did. This book absolutely wowed me in every sense. The suspense never once dipped, instead building higher and higher which made it an unputdownable and fast page-turner of a story. And this story will keep gripping you until the very last moment.

Griffin managed to capture each character and their profession so skillfully that I could believe she actually works in the field in real life. But what I found most wonderful was how the romance between Scott and Dani was continually gripping, never once overshadowing the main mystery storyline but instead enhancing it. Their affection grew organically and easily which allowed me to feel that connection as they did. And with a strong woman, a detective at that, as our heroine, there was a perpetual sense of normalcy and give in her which kept her relatable and a good adversary for an ex-SEAL like Scott. They matched really well and had a combustible sexual tension between them at all times.

I had so much fun reading this book. The twists and turns kept it fresh and the guessing game of mine for who the culprit was, was never once correct—I was stumped! But in the best way. I love romantic suspense and I think Laura Griffin does an amazing job at it. AT CLOSE RANGE was an amazing story that was written with such care and passion for not only the two characters but for the work that goes into solving crimes. I’m excited to go read each book in the series, and I highly recommend that if you haven’t read her before, start here. This sexy, well-written book hooked me from the beginning and it will to you, too.

**Received an early copy via NetGalley; Voluntarily reviewed**