A review by bookswithleigh
Superman: Son of Kal-El, Vol. 1: The Truth by Tom Taylor

This is probably the third time I've read this TPB...

I'm a huge fan of SUPER SONS, so naturally, I picked up the next installment in Jonathan Kent-Slash-Superman's life. I'm not unfamiliar with comics (and especially DC), so the sudden jump in character ages and the lack of continuity with previous storylines didn't really surprise me. I don't fully understand how we jumped from SUPER SONS Jon to SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL Jon but that's fine -- I haven't closely followed DC since New 52 jacked up my favorites, so that's on me.

I think the easy pros are that Jon is not Superman. This isn't just young Clark Kent re-skinned for current times. Jon has different goals and fears than Clark did, and he voices them and his criticisms of Superman early-on. Also, I love any Damian Wayne cameo I can get, so. I think the current arc has really great potential

I do think I forgot how much I disliked the fast-paced nature of superhero comics. Things aren't drawn-out. Things are packed into weekly or monthly runs, so when they're collected like this, it seems like a wild jump for Jay and Jon to suddenly be kissing by Issue #4 or #5. Where are their dates? Where are the long gazes across the dinner table? Where is the pining? (What I'm saying is: why can't we have a full issue of just their relationship development??? I would read several arcs of that -- because please, give Jay more depth, he's pretty one-note right now and DC can do better.)

I'm keeping my eye on this series because I think it will continue to improve, but I do hope it escapes the pitfalls that tend to come with the rushed format of DC and Marvel comics.