A review by vengefuldime
Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century by Frederik Pohl, C.J. Cherryh, Harlan Ellison, Lloyd Biggle Jr., Poul Anderson, Karen Joy Fowler, Ursula K. Le Guin, George Alec Effinger, Brian W. Aldiss, Edmond Hamilton, Theodore Sturgeon, Michael Swanwick, William Gibson, Harry Turtledove, James Blish, Isaac Asimov, R.A. Lafferty, Robert Silverberg, Arthur C. Clarke, Terry Bisson, George R.R. Martin, Orson Scott Card, Lisa Goldstein, James Patrick Kelly, Robert A. Heinlein, John Kessel, Larry Niven, Ray Bradbury


I got this book for school and was interested enough to read the rest of the stories. I would say it has a wide variety on how much I actually enjoyed each story, but was overall a positive read. Some stories were a very clear reminder of why I usually don’t read older/more classic sci-fi very often. Some were ok either themes or story-wise but lacking something in the other aspect- depending on the story I may or may not have liked it. Here discussion for the ones that did get used in class helped make them more interesting, by seeing how others viewed the same story. Thankfully, some were actually really really good and will stick with me. My top five: Pots, Robot Dreams, Passengers, Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed, and The Tunnel Under the World.