A review by trivial_reads
Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer


Zero Stars Would Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer is a hilariously unique tale about a couple on vacation when, quite unexpectedly, the sun explodes. This catastrophe sets the stage for a story that blends humour with chaos, evoking a funny "Lord of the Flies" vibe. Adding to the mix is a quirky MLM pyramid scheme cult leader, making the narrative even more intriguing and satirical.

I absolutely loved the witty humour in the book; it had me laughing out loud multiple times. The banter and one-liners were engaging, keeping the tone light amidst the chaos. It's hard to believe this is MJ Wassmer's first book, as the writing felt polished, and the humour was spot on.

The slow start was a downside, making it a little challenging to get into the story initially. Additionally, there were some formatting issues, which I suspect were due to the ARC version I received.

Despite these minor drawbacks, I plan to buy the book when it comes out, as I'd love to have it on my bookshelf. The humour and unique storyline make Zero Stars Would Not Recommend a memorable read worth revisiting.

Thank you to MJ Wassamer, NetGalley, and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the opportunity to read this novel. It will be on sale on August 6th, 2024.