A review by crazy4reading
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson


I feel like the title of the book; So Many books, So Little Time. I have so many books I would like to read and sometimes wonder if I will ever finish a quarter of them.

Sara Nelson decides to read a book a week for a whole year. Reading 52 books doesn't seem so hard but she runs into a problem of trying to find books each week.

Sara's friends would ask her " How do you choose your books?" She learned in the very beginning that she didn't always choose the books; sometimes the books choose her. I do agree with that statement. I sometimes start out wanting to read a book and then get side tracked by another book that just calls to me.

Sara talks about how when a book gets overhyped that a lot of readers get mad and that we are a funny, cliquish group, we book people. I know I have felt that way about some books when they are first released and I may hold out on waiting to read them. I did that with the Harry Potter books when the first few books were published. I just didn't see how a children's book could be so interesting. The movie is what made me read the first book. Once I heard that movie was being released I went out and read the book and then continued with the series until it was finished.

Mrs. Nelson also talks about how recommending books to your friends and how that can possibly cause a strain on the relationship. You may love a book that some one else hated. I can see that happening but I also feel that everyone interprets books differently. There are some books that I enjoy but would never call it a literary icon.

I found it interesting to learn about books that I have wanted to read but have put off reading for sometime. Even seeing some of the books listed that she started and didn't finish.

She includes at the end of the book three appendixes. One for what she had planned to read, two for what she actually did read and the third for what is on the must read pile of the following year.