A review by talonvictoria
Jackal by Willow Aster, Tarryn Fisher


”It starts with one look. I’m sure many things start that way: fights, affairs, lies… With Jackal...with me...us—that look changes everything.”

Just color me surprised...again. Because honestly- I was afraid with such a long series like this one, the books would be dragged out. I feared they would be redundant and slow instead of straight to the point and action packed but with Jackal I was wrong. The story line never once felt jumbled or slowed down in any way. In fact- I couldn’t put the book down. I was still finding myself impressed with this world these two authors had built and the characters within them.

I actually really enjoyed the fact that we didn’t jump right into the ending of Folsom at the beginning of Jackal. I’m probably the minority, but it really worked for the story. Setting us up with Phoenix and Jackal first was just what I needed. It was a super exciting build up that led us to the answers we wanted to know about Gwen and Folsom. I looked at it as a healthy distraction from Folsom and Gwen followed by lots of little treats and teases of them. I was really into that.

PHOENIX, YALL! Phoenix is fierce and 10x more defiant than Gwen and I love it. I am here for it. I am here for HER. Her character involvement in this story was the cherry on my End Man cake. And I love cherries.

I’ll admit that I didn’t feel the emotional connection that Phoenix and Jackal had quite like I did with Gwen and Folsom but what I felt for them was something different. It was more an adventitious connection for me. I really craved them being together and scheming together. The two best schemers around.

”I want something just for me. I don’t want to share you with anyone else.”

I loved seeing more interactions between the End Men as the series progressed. It got me way more excited to meet who is next and see where this crazy story will take us next.

Jackal was a more compelling read for me. I found myself on many parts holding my breath and gasping because my anxiety was peaked or I just couldn’t believe what was happening with Phoenix or even Jackal.

I’m here for the End Men! And I’m so here for Fisher + Aster! Keep it up, girls.