A review by golden_lily
Spider-Verse by Dan Slott



I hope you have the time to dedicate to sitting down and reading a year's worth of Marvel titles in one go. And that's only a slight exaggeration.

Look at it this way, if the tie in one-shots are 110 pages for five comics and this book is SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOUR PAGES? That's about the same length as 30 monthly titles.

For an event that ran for four months. And I thought the Joker: Death of the Family collection was too big.

I do appreciate the organization of the collection. Rather than trying to force everything into chronological order, the book is split in two. All of the main titles that are advancing the primary story with the fewest possible detours make up the first 300 pages, while the tie-ins and side stories make up the second. So the first part will reference Ben Reilly going to blow up one of the bad guy's bases, but to keep it from interrupting the narrative flow, the Scarlet Spider issues where he does the thing comes at the back of the book.

It was a little weird to have "The End" appear on like page 275 of a 650-page book. I read a lot of romance so my first thought was, wow I didn't realize book stuffing had hit comics so hard!

I liked the story. Some of the art was a little iffy, some (especially in Spider-Woman) was super gratuitous. I struggled a bit with Superior Spider-Man because that's one of the titles that really drove the plot...and also one I had zero knowledge of going in. My favorite was actually the two-issue miniseries (just called Spider-Verse because good job Marvel, none of this is confusing.) With Great Power Comes No Future was a really compelling take and Spider-Punk worked surprisingly well. I would not be mad if another one-shot in that world came out. El Espiritu de las Calles had my favorite art and my read Spanish is not great, but the vibrant colors and unique character designs made the plot easy to follow. (It's also available translated online if you prefer.) And It's the Little Things was so joyful in the middle of such a crazy part of the story, I really appreciated it getting the Spidy voice and humor right.