A review by yodamom
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas


That was a long book ! I really enjoyed it, but would not re-read it, so down one star. Why ? Whinny, pitiful men, this book was a man's pity party nonstop. I swear each one was "I'm not good enough, I can't do anything right, I'm so worthless...." I really had to wonder what the author was going through that she made them so self doubting. Only the good men, the nasty ones couldn't have cared less what they did to the world or others. I suffered eye strain from rolling my eyes at some of the comments. It's a pet peeve I have, can't stand self loathing pity parties. ** Snicker

So the story, it was relentless, everything and more happened. I needed breaks just to catch my breath.
So I didn't know this was the last book, but it was pretty obvious from the ending it is. I'm glad the author didn't drag it on and on like some do.