A review by the_fabric_of_words
Maya and the Return of the Godlings by Rena Barron


Maya's father's magic was drained in the last fight against the Shadow Lord, so when an even bigger rift forms over the ocean and together they need to seal it shut, he hasn't had enough time to recuperate.

She knows he'll drain the last of his reserves, but together, they do what must be done, and Maya revels in it. She's finally a Guardian-in-training! But her father, exhausted, goes into a protective chrysalis.

She learns the Shadow Lord stole a piece of her father's soul in the last battle and is holding it captive. Her father won't recover until his soul is made whole. Now it's up to Maya and her friends -- Frankie and Eli -- to protect and mend the Veil while many kids at school discover they're godlings, too -- with powers. Yeah!

A field trip to the Natural History Museum ends in complete chaos after a visit from the Shadow Lord.

A creature captured from the Dark tells Maya her father's responsible for how horrible things are in the Dark, that before her father sealed all the creatures in, things were very different…and Maya wonders if the conditions in the Dark aren't quite what she's been led to believe.

She questions her father's Veil "solution" to keeping the Dark's creatures out of our world. What has it done to the Dark, exactly? And is this why the Shadow Lord is ready and willing to go to war? He's fighting for...his people? The lines separating good and evil blur.

Still, it's up to the three friends to brave an army of darkbringers to rescue her father's soul from the Dark. It's a trap, of course.

I won't spoil what happens, or the plot twists. We loved this sequel and are eagerly awaiting the next one! Enjoy.

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