A review by dmtcer
Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World by Pema Chödrön


Pema Chodron is back with her first book in a handful of years. I am fairly new to the words of Pema Chodron, but I have read several of her books, and love her voice and unique view of the world. She is a Buddhist nun, but she is a woman who has lived a rich full life full of hardship and joy, and her words are down to earth, practical and humble.

Welcoming the Unwelcome is, so far, my favorite of the books I have read by Pema Chodron. I generally don't think too much about where the title of a book is derived, but when I was about 20% into this book I had an "aha" moment - the book is about welcoming and embracing that which we would rather avoid in life and living. Life happens, no matter what our intentions or plans are. There is good and bad in everything, and there are so many ways we avoid facing the bad or real portions of our life which are unpleasant. This book is full of words of wisdom about addressing those face-down moments, and if not exactly embracing them, then learning how to put them in perspective. I made so many highlights of words and thoughts to remember, after awhile I made myself stop. I could highlight the whole book; there are so many insights to remember and to put into my own practice of mindfulness.

There is so much dissension in our world today; fear of everyone and everything, a lack of civility or appreciation for the thoughts and actions of others. This book addresses some of that indirectly; it offers simple ways that we, as citizens in this wondrous world, can learn in order to not fuel fires of anger and fear and to live in peace in our own portion of the universe. This is a book to be read, re-read and to take to heart. It is a perfect balm for the soul; none of us are perfect, and we should not strive to be so. We should only attempt to do the best we can, and put as much good into the world as possible.