A review by emjay24
Godspeed by Lynn Breedlove


Godspeed by lynn breedlove is a very san francisco book. Since I live here in sf, it automatically interested me. This book is about a drug addict bike messenger, set mainly here in sf, probably ten (15? 20?) or so years ago, although it doesn't give a time frame. Reading the book reminded me of when I went to see the sister spit thing when their tour came through. I think the factory she visited in providence was even the same one they talked about during their show. Anyway, I liked and didn't like this book… it was very sad. There are times in the book when jim has hit rock bottom. Covered in scabs, no home, no job, eating out of dumpsters… and yet has loving parents that live not too far away. There was a part in the book that stood out, where jim was describing how people got that way. First you do it to be brave, to feel the rush, ignoring the inner voices that are saying this is a bad idea (ew I cannot imagine putting acid in my eyeball ewww) and then you use more and keep moving into and out of crowds, as each crowd starts looking at you funny because you do too much and have gone too far. Until you're at the end. And we all know that happens to people all the time. Anyway, by the end of the book, she's in NYC, and it totally reminded me of Rent. And, no that's not really a spoiler. I think this is a pretty realistic, and pretty engrossing book, even if you keep shying away from it even as you read it. I definitely started caring about Jim and what happened to her. Will she stay clean? Will she live? Will she die? Will she get her love Ally? Stay tuned and read the book to find out.