A review by whendevreads
The Roommate Risk by Talia Hibbert


* Actual rating is 2.5 stars *

This one was cute, but I didn’t connect with it or the characters like I have other romance novels. I’m not entirely sure why, but I believe some of it to be the overuse of British slang terms and endearments. They aren’t typically negative additions to a book, but for some reason when this book started with them immediately it just kind of removed me from the book. The constant use of “poppit” or “love” or the other ones, as an American reader, just aren’t words I hear very often & so feel weird to hear at that scale - who knows, maybe British people do use them that often… but it seemed definitely amped up for the effect.

I also didn’t really like Jasmine. Like kudos to her for being sexually positive but she doesn’t really have friends. She definitely strikes me as one of those girls who would rather have male friends because it’s “easier” but in reality all of those male friends are in love with her and she uses that to her advantage.

For being a solicitor, she really acts childish in the rest of her life. That was a negative for me. She acts like she should be in college, not like she is a mid to late 20s adult woman with a respectable career. She also kind of treats Rahul terribly, which isn’t surprising considering.