A review by amberd_lovestoread
The Night Olivia Fell by Christina McDonald


I was invested enough to want to know what happened, but I did not find the characters likeable. Olivia was so young and I really wanted her to stand up for herself more. However, I did appreciate her growth throughout the story. Abi had weird burst of anger- in some instances I understood, but in others I thought it was an overreaction. I tried to be empathetic to the situation, perhaps I would be the same in the same situation? I was let down in the end, even though I don't think I should have been. The book was pretty straight forward. I think I just wanted more than this sad, angry, twisted story... that was still interesting enough to keep me up reading.

I did not read the back of the book before starting, perhaps if I did, I would have had a different expectation going in. That said, I am glad I didn't. I like to be surprised. However in this case, I think the summery does set the tone well.