A review by 100pagesaday
Braineater Jones by Stephen Kozeniewski


Waking up in a swimming pool tainted with blood, a hole shot through his chest, he should be dead, and he is. Deemed himself Braineater Jones, he tries to navigate his new undead life. With no memory and few clues, Jones finds himself in a bar with others of his kind. Needing alcohol to keep himself from caving to his cravings, Jones also needs money. Braineater Jones becomes an undead Private Investigator for his own kind. Along with his sidekick, who happens to be a severed head, Jones solves the strange problems of his undead counterparts. However, the one mystery Jones forgets to solve is his own.
Funny and unexpected, Braineater Jones was a wonderful compilation of genres. Set in the 1930’s near prohibition and written in the pulp fiction style, there is a good mix of historical fiction, mystery, zombies and plenty of humor. Through the eyes of Jones, the reader only knows what he does, which isn’t much. This made for a very fast-paced read and kept me wondering what could possibly happen next along with Jones. I loved the incorporation of history at the time and the incorporation of history at the time and the Nazi/zombie connection. There was a great sense of place and time period, even with the inclusion of zombies, the language, atmosphere and people all fit perfectly into this world. The mysteries that Jones solves brought me deeper into his world and contained just the right amount of humor. Braineater Jones is a great pick for anyone looking for a different kind of zombie read.

This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.