A review by pixiejazz
Wolf Blood: The Werewolf Apocalypse Begins by Steve Morris


Wolf Blood is the first book in the Lyncathropic series, and it is, in fact, about werewolves. Now, fun fact before I get into my review: Werewolves terrify me. I first saw Stephen King's Silver Bullet when I was maybe six or seven years old. That movie traumatized me, and to this day, I still cannot handle werewolf movies or books. You may be wondering why I chose to read and review this, then. Well, let's just say I wanted to try and face my fears...

Wolf Blood does for werewolves what The Walking Dead has done for zombies. It puts them on the map, and it's a nice change, actually, from all the undead swarming all over. Now, don't get me wrong; I love a good zombie apocalypse, but changing it up to werewolves is definitely unique and kinda fun. Yes, I said fun. Maybe not for the characters in the book, but for the reader, sure.

The story starts with Professor Wiseman and three of his students holed up in the mountains, dealing with the repercussions of the professor's discovery. Unfortunately for him, no one took him seriously when he published his findings, and instead laughed at him for believing mankind could ever turn into wolves. Unfortunately for everyone else, Professor Wiseman was right, and now they're going to suffer for their disbelief.

Wolf Blood is pretty intense at time, and it may not be for the weak stomached people. There's lots of blood and gore, but to be fair, would you expect anything less from werewolves?

I thought the plot moved along nicely, and the book sort of sucks you in, making you race through the pages to see who might turn, who might survive, etc. You'll find yourself breathless at times, or, if you're like me, holding your breath while your anxiety skyrockets because werewolves.

And, since this is only the first book, I can say I'm definitely looking forward to the second one. I found myself really enjoying the story, even though it did scare me at times. I don't think I'll ever be able to handle werewolf books or movies completely, but it's a start.

Overall, I'd rate Wolf Blood four stars. Definitely check it out if werewolves are your thing.