A review by megan_elise
The Locker Room by Meghan Quinn

Megan, why didn’t you rate this book? I know you are probably wondering. Well....

DO NOT GET ME STARTED on this book.

The first 27ish chapters are PURE GOLD. Amazing and funny and swoon worthy. 5 plus stars people. Y’all need this type of fictional love and adoration in your life. YOU NEED IT. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yassssssss 😍😍😍😍

Then the utter bullcrap happens. Complete and utter you have got to be kidding me I stayed awake to read this crap and this is what happens I am going to murder this book happens. I lost my mind. LOST MY MIND. If I could reach into a book and throat punch, vagina kick body slam a female “lead” I would have IN A HEARTBEAT. Seriously. Like my hands are shaking I am so mad. KNOX IS A BETTER MAN THAN YOU DESERVE YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A FICTIONAL WOMAN. Ugh. That part of the book gets a solid .02!!!!!! It doesn’t even deserve one full damn star. Yeah, I said it. NO STARS. Her decision is crap. Her reasoning is a bunch of immature hogwash and she is full of crap from crap creek. Bam. Take that. I hate her. I am glad she’s not real.

I am not salty. Clearly.

If you read this, stop at chapter 27 and then skip to the epilogue. Just trust me.