A review by ranee_samaniego
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen


4.5 / 5 Stars

Mansfield Park is one of Austen's underrated novels that I wish received more acclaim. It is a warm, heartfelt, coming-of-age romance.

I believe that Mansfield Park is not a favorite because the main character, Fanny, is a quiet, introverted, introspective woman. Fanny is not at all like the female leads we see in today's literature - she is not physically strong nor bold nor brave. As an introvert myself, I love that Austen chose to center this story on an unconvential heroine who, in others' eyes, should have been merely in the parameters of the narrative.

Fanny is a sweet, heartfelt, introverted woman who learns to recognize her own worth and value after years of being shunted to the side and disregarded. She loves deeply, observes thoughtfully, and stands firmly on her beliefs and morals. She is truly a beautiful character that we get the pleasure of seeing bloom.

Austen explores many issues and themes in Mansfield Park: the fact that societal standing does not equate with good character; the strength required to stand firm on a belief in the face of immense pressure; the long-lasting effects of how one is raised on one's future personaltiy; the desire to be loved, needed, and wanted; and the beauty of the countryside.

I highly recommend Mansfield Park to all Austen readers, to introverts, and to those looking to read about a very different kind of heroine.