A review by trywii
Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality by Helen Joyce



DNF - After the author spends nearly an entire chapter trying to explain the plot of The Matrix, followed by a chapter explaining how she would argue with people online, I had to drop the book. It’s grueling, and while I gave Irreversible Damage the same star rating, at the very least that book didn’t feel like trying to stay awake during a tedious lecture. For a book with TRANS on the cover, there’s a shocking (not) lack of trans history outside of what seems to be in every trans-opposed book these days. Were Blanchard and Money the only two guys in trans history until the internet came out?
“The issue does not touch me closely. I’m not trans. I don’t have a trans-identified child. I’m not a detransitioner, or an athlete forced to compete against transwomen, or a lesbian-“
Yeah, I can tell by the clinical distance and slight contempt when you start talking about trans women that this topic hardly touches you at all.
