A review by debs4jc
The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris


The Unnamed is an odd story, filled with dark humor that some (like me) probably won't find very humorous, just puzzling. Tim, the main character, suffers from some weird sord of disorder that makes him get up and keep walking--with no control over where--until he falls down out of exhaustion and sleeps. He is in constant danger of suffering from exposure (espcially since they live in New York). His long suffering wife helps him in any way she can, packing a backpack for him of essentials and driving hours in the middle of the night to come pick him up from odd locations. But both Tim and his wife seem to have reached the end of their rope with this latest relapse (Tim goes through periods of remission where the disease lies dormant). I kept hoping they would find some cause for Tim's affliction or some better way to cope but instead we get a brutal story of Tim trying to beat the disease by destroying parts of himself and rants about the meaning of it all.