A review by alykat_reads
Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm by Robin DiAngelo


There is no allyship without accountability

Having already read White Fragility this didn't really add a lot that wasn't already in there. DiAngelo does give multiple examples of how she was the one perpetuating harm, even though this is her line of work. She also states her actions in response to those instances and what she will do differently the next time she's in a situation like that. I think something people get so hung up on about in the anti-racist movement is that "you have to be perfect or else you're a racist!"; which is just simply not true.

From reading some of the reviews, it's also pretty clear to some of the reviewers that there's still a lack of understanding between being a racist and doing and/or saying something that is racist. No one is ever done with being anti-racist. Everyone will always have to work at it. That doesn't mean that someone is always racist; it just means we need to be cognizant of the ways we perpetuate white supremacy. I thought DiAngelo has done a good job of distinguishing the nuances between these things, and regularly cites BIPOC who are also working in this field and have also provided this same information.