A review by mmc6661
Accidents of Marriage by Randy Susan Meyers


A wonderfully well written story about life. Life, family and marriages and the fine line that we all sometimes tread. How one act of careless anger can change a life forever and how to deal with the consequences that follow. Randy Susan Meyers writes with such human emotion that pulls you into the lives of Ben, Maddy and their 3 children as they learn how to survive a terrible tragedy and try to rebuild what is left of their family. Her characters are not storybook people but true to life, flawed people that each of us can relate to. When I finished the last page I just wanted to reach into the book and hold this family close. You know you've read a good book when you don't want to let go. No spoilers but I will say Meyers gives you a realistic ending that almost has you wanting that final finish. I may have to pick up the phone and check in on Maddy someday soon ! An emotional and beautiful novel from beginning to end.