A review by alexbthelibrarian
Mao, Vol. 1 by Rumiko Takahashi


I received an eARC of this title through NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I really liked this manga. It is reminiscent of Inuyasha in the sense that the main character, Nanoko, can travel either back in time or to a different universe. While it is similar in this sense, I felt it does diverge a bit after that in the back story of Nanoko. There is a bit of something for everyone in here. There's action, mystery, and an intriguing story of a girl who is trying to remember what happened in the car accident she can't seem to remember years earlier.

The artwork is well done and in the typical style of Rumiko Takahashi. If you liked Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2, then you will enjoy this new series by this very talented manga author.