A review by kewlshort1
Beauty and the Bayou by Erin Nicholas


Sawyer met his match in Juliet

This is book 3 in this steamy fun series, and while you can absolutely read this as a stand alone, the extended family and friends are so great you’ll definitely want to read the others too. I originally started somewhere towards the end and then circled back to the beginning. This community and family are brilliant and I want to live there.

This book is the story of Sawyer and Juliet, and boy did Sawyer meet his match. In the previous books we saw Sawyer as overprotective and crotchety after the death of his best friend and business partner Tommy. His fear and trauma caused him to be hyper vigilant to the point of it causing an issue for their business. His family understood and accommodated the new Sawyer, but everyone hoped he’d find a way back to normal.

Juliet blows into town after her younger brother acted like an entitled jerk and destroyed a boat and dock at the Boys of the Bayou. Determined to help her brother be a better person, she arranges for she and him to do the repair work themselves. She is even more obsessed with safety than Sawyer, and the sparks fly immediately. Working together for a couple weeks, she helps him find his way back to the “old Sawyer” and he helps her heal the parts she had been covering with overprotection. They are very sweet (and