A review by betweenthe_pages
The Spark by Jules Wake


I have very mixed feelings on this one. It all just moved a little too fast for me? I think the overall story was good, and I liked the focus on how getting both sides of a story is important and sometimes it takes putting yourself in another person's shoes to fully appreciate what they've been through. Jess' work with the women's refuge was also well written and a job I don't think I've ever seen mentioned in a book before. However the romance was just a little too far fetched for me. I know love at first sight is a thing, but they'd known each other for barely 5 weeks and were moving in together & wanting to get married. I'm all for doing what you want, but they didn't even really seem to know each other that well? I don't know it just didn't feel real and I couldn't fully invest myself in the story. I think it's a book with a lot of potential but just not for me I don't think!