A review by si0bhan
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends by Lydia Sherrer


Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends is the fourth book in the Lily Singer Adventure series, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the future books in the series. I really do fear the wait will kill me. This is a series that is going from strength to strength, and my desire to know how everything comes together is at an all-time high. Honestly, it’s a wonderful series, a series that deserves so much more attention than it is getting. It’s a series I have only positive things to say about, it’s a series I’m going to follow until the end.

By book four, we all know what kind of magical story we are entering. We know that we’re going to be handed multi-layered story dressed up as a deceptively simple read. You enter thinking it will be a simple tale, and yet the deeper into the story you get the more intricate the story becomes. Never does it become overly complex, though. Everything comes together wonderfully, and you cannot help but adore the connections made.

Throughout the first three books, we’ve found ourselves with so many questions. These questions just keep piling and piling, slowly climbing higher until we fear we’re going to be buried under them all. The title of these books – the love, the lies, and the hocus pocus – truly are central throughout. We’ve been given magic from the very first chapter. We’ve been given more and more lies with every book. We’ve been given love in so many forms. This book takes these aspects and makes them even stronger. Whilst we finally get some answers to those big old questions we have, even more questions are added. It was a beautiful thing – whilst I could finally say ‘finally’ in regards to certain reveals, by the end I was asking ‘what if’ questions. Every time you think this series has brought about every possible twist, something more is added to the story.

Without a doubt, the development of this series is wonderful. As I’ve stated, the story keeps evolving. We go from one glorious thing to the next. Throughout, the characters are wonderful. I’ve said it in my review of book three that these characters have wiggled their way into my heart, but by this point I’m starting to believe they’re some of my favourite characters. I love the way they work off each other, I love how complex they are, and I love the way they continue to grow. This series has such a strong cast, and I cannot wait to see how everything comes together for each of the characters.

I really could say so much about this one, but I fear I’ll rant too much and slip into the realm of spoilers. Just know this book takes the series to all new heights. Questions are answered, new elements are added, and everything will leave you wanting more. I think it is safe to say that this is my favourite read in the series thus far – although I have no doubt the next book will blow my mind even more.

I’m now off to wallow in self-pity as I eagerly await the next book in the series. I have the short story to tide me over, but even that won’t be enough to calm my frazzled nerves. As always, if you’ve yet to start this series – do it.