A review by alliewithbooks
All She Wants for Christmas by Amy Rose Bennett


I didn't really intend to start off 2019 with reading a romance novella in line for It's A Small World at Disneyland, but it happened and I'm not mad about it.

Because it was still close to after Christmas, and Disneyland was still decorated for the holidays, it only felt right to read a romance novella I got for free from Amazon. I don't really discriminate against free books from Amazon. I have plenty of those on my Kindle app because I have no self-control. However, I've never really been able to get into romance books, especially not ones with sex scenes in them.

For someone very new to the romance genre, I feel like All She Wants For Christmas is a good place to start. It really eases the reader into the genre and spoonfeeds you the basics. I really appreciated this, and I was glad that I had chosen this one, because I feel like I might have been turned away from the genre if I went and took a deep dive into the really sexual ones.

I also really loved the main couple in this. I love the trope of the bookish, serious girl and the sexy rogueish man getting together. Opposites attract is a pretty big thing for me.

What I wasn't expecting, though, was that there is disability rep here. I can't attest to how good or bad it was, but it was interesting nonetheless.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novella and I would like to read some more from this author, even if it's not really close to Christmas anymore.