A review by absoluteshannonigans
Stardust by Neil Gaiman


It should be noted, as in stated in many other reviews, there is some sex and gore in this book, the key word there being some. The graphic scenes are fairly brief (never really more then a page) and while being a bit detailed, they aren't really.
--If that makes sense. I've read far more graphic and much longer scenes then this. It wouldn't even be worth noting if I hadn't seen so many complaints/warnings about it here.

The writing is very simple, but it works for this book making it feel like the more classic fairy tales. On the one hand, I never cared too much about the characters, but on the other, it never bothered me.

Overall, it might be worth the read. It's very simply written and quick to read. If you're debating between the book or the movie, definitely go for the movie, it's one of the few movies that is better then the book.