A review by gracereallyreads
Phantom Song by Kate Sheeran Swed


Y'all this series...*chef's kiss*

Check out my review for book one if you haven't already. Basically, I'm obsessed with Swed's writing. It's beautiful but not flowery and it's so easy to get sucked into these books.

Now, I must admit I know next to nothing about Phantom of the Opera. Luckily, I didn't need to have any background in order to get this book! If you're a fan I'm sure some of the references will stick out to you more. For me, I just thought it was cool cyborgs & spaceships pew pew

I gave it four stars because something about this one didn't pull me in as much as the first. It's possibly because SATIS from book one is a much smaller presence here. We have the characters from book one here, but the story is now focused on (spoiler alert for book one) another SATIS girl named Claire. I liked Claire a lot and I thought her journey was super relateable (plus her relationship is so cute), I'm just not sure I totally understood the overarching plot as well in this one. It could have also been my headspace though.

Overall, I absolutely adore these books and HIGHLY recommend to any SciFi lovers! They are quick thrillers with excellent worldbuilding and a beautiful narrative voice from Swed. I already have book three in my clutches and I cannot wait to dig into it!

TLDR: If you like SciFi and classic retellings, you NEED these books!!